
I'm sick and tired of those fancy useless sword fighting games because of their lag and useless custom sword models so this is a baseplate with the default classic sword and a studcounter and mobile shiftlock, enjoy.

Mobile shift-lock toggle.
Anti-FT Heal swords so you waste less time spawning and more time fighting.
Powerful anti-cheat constantly getting upgraded by Storadow.
Total Kills Leaderboard.
Free Private Servers. Feel free to use this place as a training place for your clans or simply to 1v1 friends!

Update notes:
Added a spectate button.
Added a 30 day minimum account creation time requirement in order to play the game to avoid alts.
Added transparent walls next to the spawners so you won't accidentally walk off.

☆ If you'd like to support the game, feel free to purchase accessories that other players are wearing through the "Examine Avatar" option on the leaderboard, as we get commissions for that! Thanks for playing!


There are currently no running experiences.