
🔥 Note: Discontinued, Thank you to all those who supported the game 🔥
💎Premium users receive Premium Fusion💎
👑 Join Clothing and Games for 1.5x Power Boost! 👑
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📝Update Version v.2.3📝
☄️ Time chamber can be accessed now if you have 10,000 Power above!

📌 Misc 📌
💥 Current Forms: 35
☄️ Energy Skill: 14
💪🏻 Physical Skill: 8

Double Space - Fly | Unfly
LMB - Punch
C - Energy Charge
Left Control - Fly Boost | Unfly Boost
Q - Lock on

📌Clothing & Games Team📌
💼Npinoy_RBLX - Director
📜 OtadToad - Head Developer
📜 Dysche - Programmer
🧰 Alpha282828 - Builder
⚙️ Vorp_Al - Assets

🧰Credits 🧰
Credit to the talented developers who made the User Interface, Graphic Design. thank you guys! ✨


There are currently no running experiences.