
Another personal project, just for fun.
In this place, you can view real-time departures from most stations within the UK (over 2 thousand!) on over 20 different departure boards!

// How To Play
- In mulitplayer servers everyone can take turns displaying station departures.
- Press "Search" to start searching a station then press the green tick on the one you're looking for.
- If you wish to play by yourself, without a queue, join a game and press "Single Player Server" in the bottom right.
- Private Servers are free to play with your friends.

// Recent Update (12/01/24)
+ Added all new stations since 2022 (9!).
+ Searching for stations is now much faster.
+ Minor quality of life changes.
+ Bugfixes

// Join Our Group!

// Credits
AE_Domain - Some Boards
Mattyx2013 - Most Station Assets
Life0f_Pi - 1992 Tube Stock Model
All train information is provided by Realtime Trains.


There are currently no running experiences.