
Welcome to Izy's Difficulty Chart Obby!
[IDCO, for prescurtation.]
Thank you all for almost 4,000 visits! 🙂
All the likes to our game are appreciated. 💤

This game has blurs & shaders.
Our game isn't recommended for sensitive eyes.

Special thanks to:
zvxznn - Programming, Bulilding 🔨
RBXGameDevX - Advanced Programming 📃

As you may see the "👀" next to the game name, it means something:
❗ - New Changes;
👀 - Working on a update;
😎 - New update was released.
❔ - ???

New update at 500 likes! 😋
[This DCO was inspired by others. Make sure to play them too!]


There are currently no running experiences.