
Welcome to Brick Simulator! Just smash bricks with a hammer to collect bricks to sell for gold. Collect Block Pets (so original), find chest, unlock new worlds, and defeat bosses to unlock sweet loot!

🔔 Update V 7.1 🔔 
- Chest/Hidden changes to Rewards & Time
- More Vip Chest
- Boss Reward Changes

❓ How To Play ❓
🔨 Hold your hammer by pressing E (PC), RB (Xbox), or Equip Button (Mobile)
✨ Go towards a brick
💥  Click (Pc), RT (Xbox), or Tap (Mobile)
🎩 Sell your bricks to gain gold to buy special pet eggs for your character! Buy new hammers and backpack space to help you on your adventure!

Game by Sharkbyte Studios 🦈


There are currently no running experiences.