
We have made a better version of the game! Play it here:

Heavly inspired by the game "VR Hands" 11/10, would recommend playing it.

Update: Added ragdolls, confetti gun and latency fixes! Game should run better on oculus quest now.
Shutdown = Update!

Special thanks to: @PazeTweets for making the logo and Repansniper for the piano sounds.

This game is all about having fun! Play table tennis, push people off the edge and why not play a game of darts?

Controls are Trigger to do thumbs up motion, Grip to do point motion, Trigger and Grip to grab and joysticks/trackpads to move around.

This game is in early stages of development so be aware of bugs and stuff like that.

Developed by: Roo12341234 and ZondanRblx



There are currently no running experiences.