
Portal is a single-player first-person action/puzzle video game developed by Valve Corporation. The game was released in the bundle package The Orange Box for Microsoft Windows and Xbox 360 on October 9, 2007,[2][1] and for the PlayStation 3 on December 11, 2007.[5] The Windows version of the game is also available for download separately through Valve's content delivery system, Steam[7] and was released as a standalone retail product on April 9, 2008.[6]

The game consists primarily of a series of puzzles that must be solved by teleporting the player's character and other simple objects using the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (dubbed the "Portal Gun" or "ASHPD"), a unit that can create an inter-spatial portal between flat planes. The player character is challenged by an AI named "GLaDOS" to complete each puzzle in the "Aperture Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Center" using the Portal Gun with the promise of receiving cake when all the puzzles are completed.


There are currently no running experiences.