
🧟 Welcome to The Bunker! The Bunker is an interactive survival STORY GAME. Embark on a journey with your friend farmer Richie to make it into the safety of a fortified bunker as the apocalypse begins!

⭐There are currently 3 endings in the game!

👍Make sure to like and favorite the game for more endings! 

💥Having a difficult time surviving the start of the apocalypse? Need some extra aid in your journey? Check out the gamepasses in the shop!

😄Support the game further by joining the group:!/about

🛠️Support the developers of the game:
Rektway - Management (Twitter - @Rektway, YouTube - Rektway)

Bandites - Management (Twitter - @BanditesYT, YouTube - Bandites)

daanemark11 - Scripter (Twitter - @Mrunholybus)

UseCode_Funky - Builder (Twitter - @FunkysquadHD, YouTube - FunkysquadHD)

Yoakes - Builder

Logo (Twitter - @ClassicRampage)


There are currently no running experiences.