
Bring your gear in to slay your opponents! If you have nothing to bring, you are provided basic tools to contribute! Hold shift to sprint. (Note: Explosives can leave craters, you can use this to your advantage!) (If I am in the game, I may decide to temp mod everyone in the server! Just don't beg or I might kick you. I will ban you if you start to abuse the temp mod rank, so DON'T DO IT!!!! And finally, if I do temp mod everyone, I will shut down all servers after I leave to remove everyone's temp mod!)
LATEST ADDITION: I have decided to stop updates for this game, as it becomes too frequent. Thanks for the Support!
Game Staff:
Creator: Travistar1999.
Owner(s): ler1234567.
Super Admin(s): (none).
Admin(s): Searamon, and Beedrid.
Mod(s): dagodrb, promanfnatfreddys, and DagTheDragonss.
VIP(s): ngihm, mamdouh_savag, and youryour20
CURRENT PROBLEMS: Some if not all mobile users cannot join. (NOTE: This is my first creation, Input is appreciated!)


There are currently no running experiences.