
Outpost Aurelia is a Roman outpost along the Germanic border. Often times barbarians attack this outpost in an attempt to reek havoc in the Empire.

This base is swords only and new animations.

To win, simply take the flag for 20 consecutive min.

Press t in game to access Raid GUI

Keep flaming minimal.
Keep swearing PG only (heck, darn, etc).
No preflooding. 
No glitching.
No uniform raiding.
No spamming.
5 XL minimum for raid to become official
1 hour and 30 minute raid limit

MarkusScaro - Building and Compiliation
Zealots - Building Design and building
Alphablackout - Building and scripter
Blackcat54 - Building
PhantasmaCor - Scripting


There are currently no running experiences.