
🍩 Welcome to Donut Simulator! Fill up your box with donuts and sell them at the red house, they will give you coins in return for your donuts. With your money you can buy new donuts to earn more cash per sell, or you get a new box to hold more donuts.

🎉 Use Code: DonutParty
🐦 Get more codes by following @CrazyCorrsLight on twitter

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🏝️ - Bases
⚙️ - 15+ items
🐹 - 50+ Unlockable pets
🍩 - 20+ unique donuts
📦 - 20+ unique boxes
💱 - Rebirths

🎁 - Quests
🏆 - Rewards
⚙️ - More items
🍩 - More Donuts
📦 - More Boxes
🐹 - More Pets
🏠 - Unlockable areas
💰 - Better sell areas

🐛 Found a bug? Contact one of the developers.


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