
I will update a lot for new codes,
Enter them in the link below, I really would appreciate it of you join!


Oh, and you may have seen this in some comments....

Check my game for free hat codes, don't join the game please!
Just look in the description and enter the code in the link!
Sorry for spam, I just wanna get people free hats!

This is for the "notice" ;)

[ Join IF you want to support this, it encourages me to make more things that help, and I'm trying to get the gold crown. ]

What's new? 

-Twitter codes for popular games, such as
Dragon rage, twisted murderer, and tnt rush!

-donation stuff ( basically useless but located on the other game )

-officially "permited" with Roblox!

Ask ANYTHING in the comments and I will answer it!

Here's the most recent,

Q: "Is this legit? I'm afraid to click on the link."

A: "Yes, it is, these link are permitted by ROBLOX"


There are currently no running experiences.