
LORE: After the events of the Old Republic, Ord Mantell was a prospering planet, recovering from years of war. As war spread through the galaxy once again 1000 years later, a separatist fleet broke through to the core planets and lay siege upon Ord Mantell. Unable to activate the planetary shield in-time, GMGR must fight off Separatist forces.

 (Report any bugs to SleepingGiant or CT1032_Dral)

 Raiding Rules 
1) No cheating/exploiting is not allowed.
 2) No flaming allowed. 
3) KO Raiding system. KO limit will be determined at the start of the raid by an admin.
4) Terminal raiding system. Capture and hold the terminal for 600 seconds (10 minutes) to win. 
5) Upon official raid, raid timer spawns, and stats will be reset.
6) No spawn-camping/spawn-trapping. 
7) No TKing 
8) No visitor raiding. 
9) No admin abuse. 
10) 8 GMGR and 10 raiders needed to start an official raid.


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