
🎮Gem Miner+ has been updated! Get lucky and mine multiplied gems!

💬 UPDATE! Chat is back up, and better than ever! Colorful names, filtering enabled, and more!

🎧 NEW! Play a unique selection of iconic video game music, along with any song in the Roblox Library in the brand new rOS Music Player!

rOS (Roblox Operating System) is the platform's leader in program simulation. Complete with all the basic tools an operating system should have, plus loads more!

This early testing release of the rOS include basic operating system programs such as a media and notepad, but also new steps in program emulation such as rOS Chat, allowing up to 25 rOS users to connect seamlessly over an easy-to-use desktop interface. Games like Gem Miner+ are fun programs that can run in the background, and have tons of content that will keep you playing!

Thanks for using the Roblox Operating System!

(Found a bug? Message @MexheCo!)


There are currently no running experiences.