
(game ded)

And so, with the trials and tribulations between man and the darkness itself, the stage is set for new troubles, hope, and despair. The world is still scarred by the rifts, eldritch horrors still roaming the plains where cities once stood. The Coalition is expanding their territory while Separatists try to disrupt their advances, Darkness and Light still having quarrels with one another, an endless circle to be resolved.

A new story is unfolding, here in what once used to be (the great amogus desert). Devastated and transformed, the landscape is similar to that of a desert. Despite the harsh conditions, you'll find many faces here. Friend or foe, that is for you to decide. All awaits Cliffside, it only takes just a little bit to turn the tides of fate, all that matters is who or what will do it.

This is not the final version of the game. More of a beta build.
All the lore, rules and other things are a subject to change.


There are currently no running experiences.