
Welcome to City of Raddleton where someone's dream can be accomplished by either becoming a Law Enforcement, Civilian, or Criminal. The decision is yours to make!

- Flashlight
- More Coming Soon


R - Headlight
Q/E - Blinkers
B = Parking Brake
X = Gear Up
Z = Gear Down
L = Lock your vehicle
[Game Tips]

Developed by Papane, Antxzy and Flexure

How do I claim my gamepass?
Go to a blue colored building which is the gun store and click on the window.

How to buy guns
Find random dealers around the county

Howw to get money
Find a printer dealer around the county and buy a printer

How do I pay my tow fee?
Go the Police Station and click on the window to pay your fee.

How do I rob?
Simple! There are multiple ATMs to rob and a big bank which could give you a large sum of money!


There are currently no running experiences.