
🔥 CAVES! 🔥
🔦 Torches 🔦
😱 A Surprise Awaits At The Bottom Of A Cave 😱
🌑 Survive Moonquakes In Caves And Mine Rare Ores 🌑
🎩 13 New Hats 🎩
💎 12 New Ores 💎
🎉 Season 2 Coming Soon 🎉

⛏️ Go on mining adventures with your friends! Upgrade your mining tools, collect many hats Or go on an adventure to become the ultimate moon miner! ⛏️

Tunes: @UnityAssetStore

Please do note that our game is still in BETA this means that the game WILL break and cause issues/lag spikes. Please report any bugs:

Icon by KxraDraws


There are currently no running experiences.