
Equal numbers payload-based sword fort.
Gun modes are also available to those interested.
NA, float or no-float.
8v8 to 15v15, static.
16v16 to 50v50 is possible when scheduled.

Shotgun mode: 8v10, static.
VZ4 mode: 6v10, static.

Agree to a suitable number with the defence leader.
VIP info;
No glitching.
No exploiting.
No reaching.
No frog jumping.
No alts.
Admins can remove flaming/disruptive members based on behaviour, also the suspicion of cheating and rule breaking.
Modes: casual - normal - elite
Preflooding ALLOWED 
No prior notice required, yet RECOMMENDED.
Credits: PeekayCypher, Partixel, thomas_ie


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