
The new boss is finally out! If you defeat the boss, there is a chance that you'll get the Inferno's Blade weapon as well! (Equip and press 1st move and you can do a secondary move! Click to do a burning slash)

Welcome to Elemental Royale! The awesome elemental game that showcases MAGIC in a 9 player battle royale! You can be your own man or you can team up with other players!

Join the Elemental Royale's Fan Group for x2 EXP! 

We release codes and updates on Twitter so be sure to follow us at @Turpichu and @Developer_Sal! 

Use the keys, FGHJ to use your elemental movements. Hold C to charge up. Press ctrl to sprint and double tab ASDW to dash. Press 1 to equip your weapon. Hold R to block and reduce damage.

*Once you reach level 30, be sure to check out the Survive Against Wizards gamemode; it is a lot of fun and is easy to get a lot of EXP!*

Latest Server Version: v2.7.4


There are currently no running experiences.