
This is for all USM and USM Navy SEALs, my generation and future Navy SEALs generation, so they can know our history, what we have done for USM and who we are, no matter what other people tell you about us, you come here and you shall see and know the true, from our perspective. Here you'll find the Teams through all the process and all the years of making things right and making difference, also the different uniforms we used during the different Wars, Tours, Ops and missions, and the biggest achievementes made by us in the History of USM.

" US Navy SEALs are kind to animals " - Eversmann SEALs CO ( ret ), Op fall of rome 

" Alpha-Mike-Foxtrot, Juliane14 " - bbwat  USM Navy SEAL Instructor former SEALs CO, Op fall of rome, after juliane14 was killed 

" Operators, Operating, Operationally " - Eversmann SEALs CO ( ret )

" The Spartans do not ask how many are the enemy, but where are they. " - US Navy SEALs

" I dont stop when im tired, i'll stop when im done. " - Unknown B


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