
Welcome to Kingdom Life 3, the sequel to Kingdom Life 2. Enter a fantasy world and create your own story. Now with character customization, large, detailed map, and a lot of features to be added soon.

Set Graphics settings to 0 or 1 to help with load times. 

Also, if you have any character ideas, buildings, weapons, or anything else you would like to see in the game, please message me and I'll see what I can do. I will also accept models that you would like to donate to the game. Thank you!

Here is some clarification on the whole 2 Kingdom Life's. Thelolguy301 took a hacked copy of my Kingdom Life 2. He did not ask permission for it and I never allowed him to use it. This is the official Kingdom Life III, his is his own game not associated with this one. Stop asking me about it.


There are currently no running experiences.