
Thank you so much for playing, i will be making updates whenever i feel the need or am requested to! Also, lots was added in the previous update.

If you love this game and can't wait for the upcoming version currently in progress, join this group to keep updated with many other temple run fans! ################################################################################################################### ,TwoShue ,Telamon ,Builderman ,bears ,noob ,robloxaville ,lab ,jared ,zombies ,infection , lol ,funny ,wierd ,animals ,zoo ,tycoon ,uncopylocked ,uncopylock ,copy ,waldo ,movie ,fish ,barbie ,roblox ,gui ,script ,spongebob ,patrick ,squidward ,crabs ,sharks ,wave ,lava ,obby ,escape ,the ,ninja ,space ,build , tournament,minecraft , roblox uncopylocked , not lol , pwn , free , creeper , ender , dragon , spiders , endermen , mobs , adventure , build , pickaxe , island , ###############################################################################################################


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