
this is a better version !
Guantanamo, CUBA. FCTE Stands for first combat training experience, you will be tested here if you are ready for combat. Once you pass, you will be promoted to S2 by an Instructor that will inform a HR. If you have not yet been promoted, let Castro know listing your Instructor and what date. Tags-Recruitment, Recruting, Military, Training, War, Battle, MW3, MW2, WWII, Battlefield.Nicecream ,TwoShue ,Telamon ,Builderman ,bears ,noob ,robloxaville ,lab ,jared ,zombies ,infection , lol ,funny ,wierd ,animals ,zoo ,tycoon ,uncopylocked ,uncopylock ,copy ,waldo ,movie ,fish ,barbie ,roblox ,gui ,script ,spongebob ,patrick ,squidward ,crabs ,sharks ,wave ,lava ,obby ,escape ,the ,ninja ,space ,build , tournament,minecraft , roblox uncopylocked , not lol , pwn , free , creeper , ender , dragon , spiders , endermen , mobs , adventure , build , pickaxe , island , pirate,Nicecream,TwoShu,voxhall, roblox beach, doge


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