
Hey guys.. i lost my BC, so i cant earn any robux to make ads. Ill have to wait for a while to make an ad, but i have seen a few visits come in latley. So maybe if people visit, more, i can run more ads to get people to come so it will be more socialy fun! :3
Hey! Welcome! This is my place, Bluenight! Hope yall have fun!
Dragon fighting commands:
Fire/Spike/Sheild/Beam (more coming soon) Ex: skar pike or windflow fire
~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-Welcome to bluenight!
Hey there! Are you insane to waste your money?! Do you want admin THAT badly?! Go here for the most expencive admin shirt ever whoohoooo! (P.S. It does work, incase any insane people buy it):


There are currently no running experiences.