
Expect some lag with future is bright I hope to fix it!

A Sim of  Mt Vesuvius in the Bay of Naples blanketing the town of Pompeii with pumice and ash and pyroclastic surges finishing off the town in 79 AD on August 24th

Cause of most deaths - Pyroclastic Surge  

They concluded that the volcano, some six miles ten kilometers from Pompeii, produced six different pyroclastic surge fast moving, ground hugging waves of hot, toxic gases and ash aerial picture of Pompeii ruins.

Most of the hundreds of fatalities occurred during the fourth surge the first to reach Pompeii even though that surge was relatively 
 slow and ash poor.

At least three other towns were destroyed along with Pompeii. They were Herculaneum, Stabiae and Oplontis, however these towns did not suffer raining volcanic debris like Pompeii they all suffered pyroclastic surges 


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