
Previously known as Baldi's Basics 3D Morph RP.
Any badge with "[X]" next to the name means that the badge is not currently obtainable. This will change over time.

Welcome to Baldi's SUPER RP! Jump into Baldi's educational world and interact with friends, explore, discover secrets, and more! Find a bug? Have a suggestion? Great! Tell it to me by posting it in the texbox Roblox group!!/about

-Fixed multiple bugs

Baldi model - SuperInky
Playtime model - Kofftly; AngryGal
It's a Bully model - Thudner
Arts and Crafters model - timeforrick
1st Prize Model - SuperInky
YCTP model - mystman12; provided by boiboi1316 and ConnorPizzaOnWheels
Scripting - WilliamECrew; tomaan; Kunidious; ChairmanOfChairs
Character textures and the Principal model were made by me
Custom music by milkedword and I
Baldi's Basics - Basically, Games; mystman12


There are currently no running experiences.