
Word has spread that time is Ending... What does this mean? Can you find out and stop this event from happening? Travel through many areas, fight bosses, complete quests, collect swords, and save time itself in The Legend of the Fallen Kingdom 2 RPG.

Recent Update List:

Version 2.0.5b Update:
- All teleporters should be fixed
- Patches a few exploits

Version 2.0.5 Update:
- R15 & Rthro Support
- Server Events Overhaul
- Max Level 2000 by default (Chaos Rebirths Increase Cap)
- Redesigned a few GUIs
- New Badges
- New Pass
- New Pets
- Fixed Well Water
- Fixed Intro Camera
- Decreased Particle Count
- Changed a few Music Tracks

*Premium Benefits = Extra Gold & Levels when buying from the game store


There are currently no running experiences.