
Welcome to Saber Simulator!

⚡ Train your character by swinging your sword and gathering strength. 
💪🏻 Use strength to fight other players. 
💰 Sell your strength for coins and upgrade your character in the shop. 
📈 Try to get to the top of the leaderboards!

Use code "Update100" for 100 of every type of pet charm!

Holiday Event (Update 161):
- Easter Bunny Boss
- Easter Event Currency
- NEW Easter Event Egg

Current Boosts:
- 30,000x CROWNS, 1,000x Sell

Updates every Friday at 10 PM PST!

Join the group HD Games. for an in-game reward:
💰 20% Extra Coins
⚡ Chat Tag
👑 Name Tag 

Made by HD Games


There are currently no running experiences.