
Ro Hero Academia

☑️ Always take screenshot so we can restore your Stats ☑️

『 Update 5.0』
➔ Reworked Prime (cant lag the server anymore)
➔ Fixed Sprint

『 Disc』

『 Quirks 』
➔ Prime 🎊
➔ OneForAll 🌀
➔ AllForOne 🌀
➔ HalfHotHalfCold ⚜️
➔ Black Hole ⚜️
➔ Cremation ⚜️
➔ Quirkless 🔱
➔ Air Propulsion 🔱
➔ Sugar Rush 💠
➔ Transparency 🔰
➔ Regeneration 🔰
➔ Engine 🔰
➔ Gigantification 🔰

 『 Rarity』
🔰  Common
💠 Uncommon
🔱 Rare
⚜️ Legendary
🌀 Mythical
🎊 Unobtainable

➔ You Account must be 5+ Days old 
✔️ Dont Forget To Join the Group ✔️


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