
This game will no longer get major updates such as classes and stuff like that, since Wizardz 2 is being developed at the moment. Check out the wizardz fan group for more info! Also, mage-hunter badge doesn't seem to work, kkthxbai.
Wizardz Fan Club:
Latest Update:
v2.3_05 {2012/01/04}
* Made a team-rebalancing function and put it into the game!
v2.3_04 {2011/12/04}
* Most classes' basic attacks had their cooldowns reduced by 1 second (bolts etc.).
* Added one-way doors to the spawns to prevent spawnkill.
* You no longer get "killcredit" if you happen to be fighting someone right when the map ends.
v2.3_03 {2011/12/03}
* Frostlord should be less buggy.
* Cardmaster: Pick A Card has been hotfixed and works now.
* Reduced the amount of healing from the health fount


There are currently no running experiences.