
Hold left mouse button to raise power level. To use your dbz powers you hold keys E,R,T,Y,U,P,F,G,J,K,L,X,B,N,and M.(only hold one at a time.) You can also charge those attacks by holding the key.Some keys you should know are G that makes you run fast for a second, F heals you, B makes you fly for a short time, X gives you a jump boost, u turns you invisible. L does a circle blast, and if you hit someome with it is an instant kill. J teleports you to across from where you were, (Ex.If you were standing somwhere you would teleport forwrd and be facing where you were before you teleported). C steals health from an opponent and gives it to you. K does a lightning blast. and Y shoots tornados. And if you get more than one Dragon Ball Z tool then use the last one. (For example, if you had 4 dbz tools you would use the 4th one.) and if you dont use the last one the tool wont work.


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