
Do not hit F9 you will be crashed on the spot.
Terminal time is now 16 minutes 1000 seconds
Official amount: 9 
There is a raider limit of 16 till a server has become official, then the raider limit will be dropped.
This war is a between the allies in the Proponent of Liberty coalitions versus The Egalitarian Front. This faction believes that the Egalitarian front coalition has imposed laws on to them that are too controlling and restrict personal liberty, they split apart and formed the Proponent of Liberty due to this.
At the start of an official raid if you are marked as “Neutral” you will not be able to enter/will be kicked on start of the raid.
I encourage you to look at both coalitions and look into joining one of them.

Administration team: Steamsport Domeboybeene Elijahiscool Gannex Pistoffgoth Synyk Raeah Ignitos Robepriority elephantJay TheMedievalist
Admin thread:


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