
     Once upon a time,

     There was a King, his squire, and a Princess. One day, the Princess was kidnapped. She was taken to a rival kingdom.

     It is your job as the squire to rescue the Princess from 8 diverse kingdoms, the Princess being taken to safety every time!

     Will you save the Princess?

* Currently, one kingdom (the Redcliff kingdom) is available to play through.
* This game is in favor of a survival-like strategy, though there is currently no game over screen.
* Please remember that this is ONLY a little taste of what the concept of the REAL GAME will be like. It is pleaded of you to show only positive reactions.

This is a game where you serve as a squire for a king who commanded you to rescue a princess. This is not the REAL GAME, only a little taste.


There are currently no running experiences.