
Code Lyoko Revirtualized is a fan game based on the show called Code Lyoko. We highly recommend watching a little of the show before playing the game to fully understand how this game is meant to be played.

You travel to the abandoned factory on the river to use the supercomputer hidden within to fight off a multi-agent computer program that is trying to take over the world.
This program will activate towers on Lyoko which is a virtual world generated by the supercomputer to cause attacks in the real world. It is your job to deactivate these towers and use the supercomputer time reversal properties to reverse any damage that may have been caused, All while making sure Lyoko isn't destroyed.
Explore Lyoko, Fight off monsters, discover the information about Lyoko's creator Franz Hopper, And create programs to make the fight much easier while trying to keep up with your day-to-day school life.


There are currently no running experiences.