
My latest project (which contains previous projects from a long time ago: ht#########################################################Since roblox has removed all that is fun about creating places and now censors literally everything people try to type regardless of whether or not it is bad, I will no longer work on this place because I no longer have any reason or incentive to unless roblox brings back what has made creating games like this so fun, which doesn't seem like something they want to do, so for now I'm abandoning this, and all of my other projects.
Additional Information:
This used to be a sonic.exe game, hence where all the negative feedback came from, none of the ratings after 18 likes and 11 dislikes are from this game's current version. I'm not trying to make this game big, I'm only trying to edit here and try and use the game making tools that ROBLOX has better. I will try and make an intricate design once I master c-framing, but for now it isn't too complex. 


There are currently no running experiences.