
Zombie Defense 4 has been released (link to zd4: 

This game (Zombie Defense 3) has been abandoned and uncopylocked. Any new "updates" are just me editing the description or a minor bugfix/change.

I made a kit for making games like ZD3, feel free to use it if you'd like

All weapons are "auto" but semi autos have a slower fire rates 

Katana removing blue shield on charge is NOT a glitch

Skinned weapons cost 1.5 times more than their normal counterparts but they have better stats


SuperEvilAzmil: FE Gun Kit, core, boss health gui, and npcs

Serenevoxol: Charger design

SelectLOL12345: Weapon shop

NatNProductions: Metal Monstrosity design, Guardian Bot 2000 design)

Link to the 100 player version


There are currently no running experiences.