
So, you may all be waiting for the New and Improved Cuphead RP.
 This sadly may take a while. You may all think its taking this long due to it being so well made and lots of effort. And all though that is true, it isn't the case.

Back in May of this year, my laptop broke. Meaning I couldn't work on the game anymore. The end of the year is most likely my chance to continue the game, but I don't know for sure. So the game will most likely be out during Late 2021, or even later.
- BioicDoomAttack_232 ( The Map Developer for The New Cuphead RP ) 
-} Credits {-
 BioicDoomAttack_232 and OstrichYT_4 for remodeling.
Velege1 for owning and creating the game.
 You, for playing this game and helping it grow.


There are currently no running experiences.