
[2015 Edition] : Huge update to bring this old build up to scratch.

Built  in three days as a showcase and now possibly my favourite build of all time. Enjoy.

[7/12/13] Spotlight on Roblox Facebook Page
[18/12/13] Shedletsky posted to Reddit
[9/1/14] Roblox posted to Google+
[16/1/14] Roblox posted to Instagram
[24/1/14] Featured on Roblox Blog
[8/5/15] Updated for the first time in ages! Huge graphic overhaul and new exteriors, interiors and more while retaining the feel of the original. Hope you enjoy
[20/5/15] Featured again on Roblox's Google+ page

Some people seem to be under the impression that this is a free model, which is not only insulting but also completely untrue. A Roblox user created a poorly made copy of my design without my permission. It is definitely aggravating when people accuse you of "free-modelling" something that took you many days of hard work.


There are currently no running experiences.