
⚠️Warning: This game is psychologically interactive AND contains flashing lights + strobe elements. 

😃Press 'E' in-game to SUPPORT ME and any future projects I have!

💭Aporia - "An irresolvable internal contradiction or logical disjunction in a text, argument, or theory." Or more simply - "The expression of doubt."

📙Story: You're in a false reality and the only way to escape is through these misleading sounds, and entities that surround you. Or were they just a part of your imagination?

☢️📒This game is in Beta, updates will come, and MORE SCARES will come as the story develops! For the most part however this game IS NOT FINISHED. With that being said, enjoy what I have made. And remember, don't doubt yourself or the game wins. [BUILD - v1.1.65]

👍Join my Development Group:


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