
🌟 previously: ragdoll simulator .rbxl!
🚸 blood can be toggled off in the settings (13< users can't enable it)
🇷🇺 что-бы включить русский язык, нажми [P] и включи его там
🎖 people with a premium subscription get a chat title and a coins multiplier
😎 don't be a mortal and use R6 (R15's very broken)
🤷 kind of supports both R6 and R15 though
🎮 controls will appear in the chat when you join the game
🛡️ join the official game group for a coins multiplier:
(some of the glitches are intentional)

👻 discontinued: the only changes made are going to be fixes of game-breaking bugs
(this game is outdated, insecure, and not recommended to be investing into)

tags (ignore): noxy, neci, bia, fun, ragdoll, simulator, test, engine, physics, chaos, R6, R15, broken, break, bones, roleplay, rp, general, generic, destruction


There are currently no running experiences.