
🚨Check out Night of the Werewolf: Revival, the successor to this game:

When the sun sets and the lights go dark, werewolves roam the streets of this Victorian Steampunk town. Night after night, townspeople are found to have been attacked in their homes. Nobody is safe from the werewolves. Team up with other players to be the last team standing in the town: werewolves or townspeople, in the Night of the Werewolf.

Join this group to be updated on new features in the game!

FutureWebsiteOwner - Scripting
InsanelyLuke - Map and Gear building
LordJurrd - Scripting
CJ_Oyer - Costume Modeling and Scripting
Woot3 - UI Design
BSlick - Music Composition
Z0MB0NE - Card Images
JakeTheNewb - Animatio


There are currently no running experiences.