
⚙ Welcome to Darkenmoor, where time itself is broken and dark forces run amok. 
Will you survive? 

⚙ Darkenmoor is a Horror, Round-Based, Juggernaut, Survival game. 7 Humans are trapped in the Darkenmoor Mansion with 1 powerful Monster and must run out the clock or kill the Monster. 

📢 V 1.8: Monsters are now invincible. When they run out of health they are stunned for 5 seconds before recovering. Monsters also get slowed when they take damage. This allows combat to be used as a tool for escape. 
Also, a bunch of old backend code has been swapped to newer code.

📙 Credits 
Main Devs: Antiboid & Sethalonian 
Trailer: Kirbygreen4 
Contributors: Vertyq, dedevel0per
Translators: Perdurite, RealLolFuny, BiqBoiFish, KiwiRaccoon64, Vertyq, Le_Monsoon, tazazaChannel2_55 

🎵 The music in this game was made by me, so it's youtube/twitch safe! 🎵


There are currently no running experiences.