
Welcome to the funniest school roleplay game! You can either hold a presentation or interrupt someone else's presentation! Spend your Points to do actions like cough, fart, scream, rage, party, and much more! You earn Points every 5 seconds, and when giving or receiving a presentation rating, or by redeeming codes!

👥 Play with friends to earn more Points!
💬 Use chat to interact with the teacher!
✨ Roblox Premium players earn Points every 3 seconds instead of every 5 seconds!
💰 Make a private server to earn 2x Points!
➡️ Click the 3 dots next to chat for updates and more!
💎 Use Gems to do Robux actions in 1 click!

Update 28:
💬 Updated chat
🚨 Fixed the bug where fire alarm light doesn't go away
🤾 Fixed the bug where some dodgeballs couldn't be picked up
🙋‍♂️ Now your hand will raise when volunteering for next presentation
❔ More questions for teacher to ask
📚 More presentation topics
📋 Updates list now includes previous updates


There are currently no running experiences.