
I don't even remember why I made this game, I guess I liked the idea. But I decided to unlock it since I won't ever come back to it. I'd be surprised if it even works a little bit now.

UPDATE 1.6.1:
* Fixed saving/loading of stats
* Fixed (hopefully) wins/losses counting

COMING SOON (Guaranteed):
• Rebuilt map/lobby
• Shop
• Points System
• Customizable challenge
• New Maps (Varrying terrain, etc.)

PLANS (Not guaranteed):
• Purchasable in-game points with Robux
• Player Points
• Tournament Play
     • Round Robin
     • Bracket

Still testing and adding things to it. Message or comment (I prefer message) any problems. I'll try to fix them as soon as I can.

Keep in mind the beta saved stats will not work in the final release. You will have to start over when that happens.

WARNING: Your stats may get reset without warning due to testing. But in the final release, hopefully, it won't need to be reset all but once.


There are currently no running experiences.