
Controls: F - Block X - Dodge G - Lock On Q - Strike Raid / Firaga E - Sonic Blade / Blizzaga R - Zante / Cure T - Arca / Thunder Z - Drive Ctrl - Reaction Command

Open Source:

A game that was originally supposed to end a long time ago
But with the gratuity from good people, it continued to breathe life
With hours of effort almost entirely alone, for just a few pennies and words of thanks, he toiled nonstop for their happiness
After the bad people came, and turned his community into a hell...
As if he was working a retail job dealing with bad people everyday for zero money or return
He realized it was ruining his family, and life so he decided to leave
So ends the tale of KeybIade Story

Many won't even try to understand. Simply... Because they don't have to. 
Although he misses the good people, he knows it had to be this way.


There are currently no running experiences.