
👍Make sure to like and favorite! We'll be giving out a FR
EE CODE at 45,000 likes!

🚀Welcome to Scythe Simulator! Master your skills and become the ultimate player!
☄️ Become king by getting to the top of the leaderboard!
💰 Hatch different eggs and get your favorite pets!
🐲 Unlock different islands and hatch limited eggs!
👀 Can you find all the secret codes?

⭐ Big updates coming! Follow the game to be notified!
⭐ Join Small Productions to unlock some rewards in-game!!/about
🐦 Follow us on twitter to get updates and get codes! @SmallProd_RBX

Owner - SmallByts | @RblxSmall
Scripter and Builder - phxtn | @_phxtn
Previous Scripter, UI Designer - OutlookG

Tags: Scythe Simulator, Simulator, Reaper Simulator, Scythe Simulator, Scythe Simulator, Power, Simulator
This experience may include paid advertisements that are labeled as "Paid Ads" and use assets from @AdvertUploader


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