
- Hotkeys! You can now use the 'c', 'v', 'b', 'n' and 'm' keys to select different build actions.
- Axe: you can now select an axe by pressing '1' or by clicking the new TextButton at the bottom of the screen. It currently doesn't do anything yet though.
- The brush is now a little more polished: less bugs and you can now select it with '2' instead of 'p'.

Previous update:
- Brushes added! Press P to select or deselect it and press Q or E to toggle through colors.
- You can color any hand-made object on your own plot by selecting the brush and then clicking it when standing nearby.

To do:
- Saving
- Furniture
- Axes and a limited supply of wood
- Shop
- Blacklist


There are currently no running experiences.