
NOTICE: This game is currently not playable because it's currently nothing but a baseplate with 2 NPCs, an old free model railway kit, some loose parts lying around, and a railway bogie I'm building.
Diamond Minecart is a company that operates in the mining and logistics business sectors. They own and operate several open pit mines on the planet Trigon-Roblox Ra Alpha 2 G2V-2148x995 P3 Volkron. They also own a decommissioned mine in Seacrest Province on the Robloxian home world of Trigon-Roblox Ra Alpha 1 G2V-2006x128 P3 Robloxia. This game has you working in one of their mines. Your goal is to extract various resources from the ground, transport them to a processing facility for refining, and sell the refined materials to other industries. This particular tycoon has you manually mining stuff and moving things around.


There are currently no running experiences.