
This was my prized possession from 2009-2011. I met with virtually all the famous players and leaders here during the EMI,OVA,OSE eras both leaders and game makers.

This is essentially what you could call "A yacht in space", or "A limo in space".
This was inspired by the user TaaRT's private starship which I found extremely inspirational when I played roblox back in 2009.
The interior of this ship was meant to be similar to the Enterprise of Star Trek (2009) movie.
In the OVA era it was then gutted and modded as a heavy gunship, similar to the "Dragon Gunship" from AVATAR, until a user named z5151 made it free after we had a very large dispute with each other.
The lore behind this was it was located in orbit above the planet "Alpha Centrinium 7" the EMI colony/home world, but was later moved to "Tauris" the OVA HQ/home world.


There are currently no running experiences.