
Known as "The land of turquoise"
After the British Ocupation from 1882 to 1956, Then on to the 6 day war, In 1973 the Egyptians crossed the Suez Canal and the bloody battle of the Suez began. In 1979 Israeli Forces Completely withdrew from the Peninsula and it has been in Egyptian Hands ever since. Many have tried to take it. Not many has succeded.

1. Raids must be pre-scedualed Other wise its just s skirmish or shootout.
2. No exploiting. No complaining about admin. I use it to team every one and settle disagrements. [Example. Group leaders need to talk 1 on 1, etc] 
3. Do not complain if our forces have more fire power. You are after all raiding our homeland. Doign this you accept the challenge ahead.


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